Cognita Schools in Dubai Take Part in their First Ever Global Be Well Day
Pupils from the Dubai based Cognita family of schools, The Royal Grammar School Guildford Dubai, Horizon English School andRanches Primary School, joined more than 58,000 young people worldwide on Thursday 30 September to take part in Cognita’s third annual Global Be Well Day.
On this day each year, all Cognita schools collapse their curriculum to focus solely on well-being, which is fundamental to a Cognita Education. Created to educate Cognita’s global community schools about the importance of looking after their mental and physical well-being, this year’s Global Be Well Day focused on teaching pupils, parents and colleagues about empathy. Partnering with Empathy Week, a global school programme that operates in more than 40 countries, the schools used the power of film to empower pupils around the world to become empathetic and resilient leaders.
As school communities continue to feel the effects of the global pandemic, there was a greater emphasis this year on the mental well-being contributors of ‘Connecting, Doing and Giving’, and many activities throughout the day focused on exploring these contributors through the lens of empathy.