How a UAE Education Compares Internationally
21 January 2021
Jenny Mollon
Education is described as a “cornerstone of the vision” for the UAE and delivering a “Quality Education” is listed as goal number four in UAE’s sustainable development goals.
At the Royal Grammar School Guildford we always want to be part of the most dynamic and forward thinking global education environments. As such, it felt completely the right thing to come and be here in the UAE and in Dubai.
To make this point, we spoke to Clare Turnbull, Head of Prep at the soon-to-open RGS Guildford Dubai and asked, first, what had brought the UK school to the shores of the UAE.
“At the Royal Grammar School Guildford we always want to be part of the most dynamic and forward thinking global education environments. As such, it felt completely the right thing to come and be here in the UAE and in Dubai.
We plan to embed the very same curriculum as taught in our home school in the UK. Of course, it is right and proper that certain tweaks are made to ensure we are delivering the best and most appropriate experiences for our young people here in Dubai. However, at the core of everything we do are the same brilliant basics – especially in our English, maths and science curriculum. We are following the National Curriculum and then adding extras on top – just as we do in the UK. Our assessment processes will follow a very similar pattern to those that we follow in the UK so that we can keep track and support the progress of every child within the RGS Family.